Sunday, February 28, 2010

Joy: Fruit of the Spirit

Joy unspeakable, is indeed the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Joy is the second mentioned, out of nine fruit of the Spirit, (Gal 5:22).  It is the very nature of the Holy Spirit. A person who has the Spirit within him surely has the joy of the Holy Spirit. It is an evidence of the presence of the Spirit within an individual.  Joy in the Spirit is an inner feeling of pleasure and delight that can not be attributed to any happenings or circumstances around you, but to the relationship one has with the Spirit. It is an assurance of God's presence with you no matter the circumstances. It is what keeps you going when the storms of life are raging. Read more...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

How to cope if you're unable to have children

“I am sorry you can't have children as a couple. But there are options…”
That was the Doctor's report, when we went for the results. Have I come to a dead end? I asked myself, "Does it mean no more hope? How will I cope? What will people say?" Questions kept rolling out in my head without answers. Read more...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


How to make your man feel special
Every man is special on his own. What to do to make a man feel special varies slightly from one man to another, though there are certain things you can generally do. First, you need to study your man, understand his background, the environment he grew up in, his likes and dislikes and act accordingly. As much as you can, give him what he likes, do what he wants as well as avoid his dislikes.Read More...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I and writing

I never thought I could dare to write!

Writing; a way of expression
An avenue to reach out
My lot
My desire
My purpose
Surely to be fulfilled

Come along on this journey.