Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The institution of marriage: why the big failure?

Two people went to a manufacturer and complained that his product failed to work. The manufacturer asked them if they read the manual and the first person said no while the second person said yes that he did read the manual. The manufacturer then asked the second person if he followed the instructions on how to use the product and he answered no that he did not follow the instructions as stated in the manual. The manufacturer looked at them and said, “If you used this product outside the stipulated way, surely it should fail but only in your hands.”

Monday, April 12, 2010

A Christian attitude towards being offended

“It is impossible that no offences should come...”NKJV. Those were the words of Jesus to His disciples (Christians). Offence will surely come whether we expect it or not, whether we are prepared for it or not! Our attitude towards offence determines the effect it will have on us.
People offend God, fellow men at one time or another. Some offend intentionally, while some unintentionally. Interestingly, whether you do what is right or wrong, somebody will be offended. The question is “what should be the Christian attitude towards being offended?” Read more...