Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 Reasons To Use The Leverage Of Internet

If you want to become rich, you need to work less and earn more. In order to do that, you employ some form of leverage” says Robert Kyiosaki’s rich dad. One form of leverage that MUST NOT be ignored in our time is the internet. Any home based business that wants, not only to survive but also prosper should engage the use of this tool.
It is barely five months since I employed this wonderful tool and I have gained a lot. Before then, I use to chase my friends and relations around to join my networking business. It got to a point where they were running away from me. Some were not responding to my calls or emails. I even got embarrassed and wanted to quit the home based business. Then, I searched the internet...

The word leverage, in a broad definition, simply means the ability to do more with less. In such a competitive world, one needs tools that will require little input but accomplish a lot.  The following are the reasons why I recommend Internet for your home business:

1. Access to a worldwide audience-More than 1.9 billion people use the internet (June 30, 2010. http://www.internetworldststats.com). Your business cannot afford to ignore such number of users!

2. Gain an edge over traditional business experts-Business is all about people and sales. A new business owner with little knowledge of what the business entails but has internet presence will sell more than the traditional guru, who knows it all but has access to fewer people.

3. Build a brand name-This leverage enables you to brand your name or business name. People get to know you and what your business offers. Trust is built and some of them eventually convert to customers.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blogging is vital for any internet marketer. It gives you a base for your potential customers to get to know you and your business better. You can build your website or blog with blogger or Wordpress but Wordpress is preferred for business purposes. One framework I highly recommend for you to build your wordpress on is Genesis theme framework.

Genesis empowers you to quickly and easily build incredible websites with WordPress. Whether you’re a novice or advanced developer, Genesis provides the secure and search-engine-optimized foundation that takes WordPress to places you never thought it could go.
Genesis runs on parent-child themes concept. A child theme is an extension of a theme framework which is comprised of typical theme elements. Genesis is the parent theme. With the click of a button you can change the feel and look of your site.

Genesis framework features
  • Impressive themes - All the child themes are great-looking out-of-the-box.  With a little know-how in CSS, you can totally customize any theme you like – but you don’t have to. Read more...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blogging Tips – 3 Primary Steps To Higher Rankings!

Hi! I read a blog post that led me to an awesome report and I want to share it with you. If you have a blog or ever plan to have one you MUST read this report. I grabbed my own and I encourage you to do the same.  First read this post by Mavis Nong. Enjoy and act on it!
I have just finished reading The Perpetual Traffic Report by Ryan Deiss. If you really want to drive endless traffic at NO cost to your blog, then you have to grab this amazing report, whilst it’s still FREE!

It’s often said that Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the most complex marketing strategy to master. However this marketing strategy is now becoming easier, so you don’t have to pay professionals too much money to optimise your website(s).

When understood and done properly, SEO can get your site on the very 1st page of Google, when people search on your specific keywords and drive massive traffic into your business. Who wouldn’t want that?

Let me share with you the 3 primary steps to get your blog ranked higher on Google:
STEP 1: Create Quality Content
A blog without valuable content is useless. Your goal should be to create the best content consistently, so that your blog can stand out and start generating some traffic.
You also need to pay attention to the following factors in order to make Google happy and send you enough traffic:
  • Domain name – having the keywords that you want to rank for in your domain name is very powerful. Also, the age of the domain has some impact on Google, believe it or not – old domain will rank better than the new one.
  • Keyword research is an important process before you write your posts so that people can find your content as well as boosting your rankings.
  • Keyword density – pay attention to how often your keywords are used in your posts. Don’t overuse them! Read more...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

5 Great Enemies of Success to Avoid If You Want to Succeed In Home Based Business

Do you have a dream to succeed in your home based business? You can realise your dream if you avoid the enemies of success on the way. As Henry David Thoreau said “men are born to succeed, not fail” and that includes you.

So the enemies of success to avoid include:

1.       Self limitation:
Self-limiting beliefs and habits can keep you from living up to your full potential and from succeeding in business. Many times people make self- limiting statements because of fear of failure. Do not allow fear to rob you of your dream. If others made it you can also. As my father would say, those gurus you see and admire do not have two heads. So, start seeing yourself as a success, keep saying it and soon you will be one.

2.       Ignorance:
This is not an excuse for failure. There is so much information available for one to succeed in home based business. Search the internet, attend seminars, read books, etc and update yourself. You need to be aware of new trends in your niche. What was excellent before may not be good this time.  
3. Procrastination:
Many people have great ideas and plans on how to prosper their business but they are yet to execute them. Delaying to do what MUST be done is simply delaying your success.  Get organised and manage your time properly. Allow your desire for success to overcome your desire to put things off. By all means, do not let procrastination waste your time and ultimately kill your dream. Read more...http://ngozinwoke.com/10/5-great-enemies-success-avoid-succeed-home-based-business

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Blogging Tips- 7 Tips On How To Increase Your Blog Readers And Comments.

Do you have a blog with few or no readers? Are your blog posts without comments? Posting rich content regularly and not having people coming to read them can be very discouraging. The beauty of having a working blog is expressed in its ability to draw active readers and comments. Now, you can smile because below are simple but effective blogging tips on how to increase your blog readers and comments. 1. Find a loyal reader and commenter
Find someone who believes in you and would want to support you in your blogging. This can be a friend or a relative.  Comments from this person will draw visitors to read your post and will encourage them to also leave comments. When I started, I got my sister to read and leave comments on my blog posts.
2. Find blog buddies
You are not the only one in need of more blog readers and comments. Search for these bloggers and connect with them. Offer to exchange favours, that if they would subscribe to your blog and leave comments on each posts, you would do likewise on their blogs. Comments leave good impression about your blog on any of your blog visitors and they will pause to read through the post. Some will subscribe for updates afterwards; this will increase your blog readers.
3. Participate in blog comments
Leave quality comments on other bloggers’ posts, especially larger blogs. This is one of the ways to market your blog. Some readers of these blogs will read your comment and visit your blog to read your blog posts. Some will leave comments. Read more...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blogging Tips – How To Increase Your Blog Ranking

Hi. Sometime ago, I came across a great blog post from Mavis Nong  (www.attractionmarketingonline.com) and I think it is important to share it with you if you want to market your blog and increase your blog ranking. So in her own words I give you this post.
Enjoy it and take steps to follow it...
So, why have you created your blog? Why do you keep writing posts for your blog? If you are like most bloggers, your primary goal is to get free, unlimited amount of traffic and actually make money with your blog. Is that right?
Now, you have to realise that there are thousands of bloggers out there, also with the same objective as yours – to drive free, endless traffic to their blogs and ultimately make money.
increase blog rankingsSo, you’ll need to optimise your blog for increased rankings and improved search engine results. You can gauge how your blog is doing by checking the PageRank and Alexa ranking of your blog. I have installed the Firefox SearchStatus plugin on my computer to check my stats among other things.
Google uses a PageRank to determine the importance of a site. It’s one of many factors used to determine which pages appear in the search results. It runs from a scale of 1(poor)  to 10 (excellent).
If you have a higher PageRank, then you will be seen as an authority and get priority over other sites. And that means more traffic to you! :-)
Let’s take a look at some effective strategies that you can implement straight away to boost your blog rankings and grab the top spots in the search engines:
[Some of this advice I got from Katie Freiling of www.KatieFreiling.com]
1) Install the WordPress blog optimisation plugins – they make the process easier and can increase your rankings. Read more...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog Marketing -10 Effective ways to Market Your Blog

Do you have a blog with rich content but no or small number of readers? Having a blog with no one reading it can be very discouraging and disheartening. It is not enough to have a beautiful, well written blog; there is need for you to market it to attract readers and ultimately buyers if you have stuff to sell on your blog. If you need a change today, I present to you 10 simple but effective ways to market your blog.
In-house blog marketing
1. Enable SEO: SEO helps you to bring in real visitors from search engines. Make it possible for search engines to find your blog.
  • Have your own domain name,
  • create keyword rich titles
  • Highlight the important points in your article.
  • Use lists or bullets to convey your points
  • Use multimedia content like images, videos.
  • Link to your related posts.
  • create unique title tags
  • Enable permalinks and trackback
2. Update your content: Create rich contents frequently, 2-5 times a week.  Posting quality information regularly will market your blog to new readers. Also, your readers and visitors will know how often to check your blog for a new post. If you your blog is not updated regularly you will lose your readers. Nobody wants to read a blog that is not updated Read more...