Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 Reasons To Use The Leverage Of Internet

If you want to become rich, you need to work less and earn more. In order to do that, you employ some form of leverage” says Robert Kyiosaki’s rich dad. One form of leverage that MUST NOT be ignored in our time is the internet. Any home based business that wants, not only to survive but also prosper should engage the use of this tool.
It is barely five months since I employed this wonderful tool and I have gained a lot. Before then, I use to chase my friends and relations around to join my networking business. It got to a point where they were running away from me. Some were not responding to my calls or emails. I even got embarrassed and wanted to quit the home based business. Then, I searched the internet...

The word leverage, in a broad definition, simply means the ability to do more with less. In such a competitive world, one needs tools that will require little input but accomplish a lot.  The following are the reasons why I recommend Internet for your home business:

1. Access to a worldwide audience-More than 1.9 billion people use the internet (June 30, 2010. http://www.internetworldststats.com). Your business cannot afford to ignore such number of users!

2. Gain an edge over traditional business experts-Business is all about people and sales. A new business owner with little knowledge of what the business entails but has internet presence will sell more than the traditional guru, who knows it all but has access to fewer people.

3. Build a brand name-This leverage enables you to brand your name or business name. People get to know you and what your business offers. Trust is built and some of them eventually convert to customers.

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