Thursday, September 2, 2010

Online Home Based Business Marketing- Is This Personal Freedom Or Personal Bondage?

Are you enjoying or enduring your online home based business marketing? Home business has been made easy with the use of the internet but for some internet marketers, it has become a personal bondage instead of personal freedom. They are not enjoying one of the main reasons they quit their corporate jobs. And the root cause is simply lack of self discipline.

Personal Bondage, though can happen to any online marketer at any level of success, occurs mostly with newbies (new users on the Internet). Everything seems difficult and overwhelming to the person: marketing strategies, generation of leads and traffic, etc. The person has to learn so much and start so many things at the same time. No time any more for you, family or friends. It is work, work and work!

Another thing that can cause personal bondage is unhealthy competition. Competition is very good but when it becomes a do or die affair, then it becomes dangerous. It will engulf all your mind and time; affect your relationships and perspective to life.

Personal freedom, one of the benefits of home-based business is achievable and can be maintained. I have listed below 4 steps to achieve this. Read more...

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