Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How To Keep On Going With Your Online Home-Based Business When You Feel Like Giving Up

Do you wake up and feel like not working, feel like giving up or do you wonder whether you should quit this business? May be you are lost on what to write in order to market your business or you have spent a lot of money already with little or no result in return. You are not alone; many successful marketers went through this at some point in their business before breaking even. How to keep on going with your online business when you feel like giving up includes:

Focus on your dream

Focus on that reason why you started a home based business; it may be because of financial freedom or ability to spend more time with your family. Write out your dream and goals, both short term and long term goals and focus on them. Hard copy of your dream that is ever before you will give you the strength to continue.

Weigh the cost of giving up

Many times we throw in the towel before weighing the cost of our actions. Consider where you are going to be 5 years from now if you carry on with your home-based business through the tough times and compare it to where you will be 5 years from now if you give up. It may be difficult now but step by step you will get to your comfort zone. Read more

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